Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

Before Thanksgiving, Melanie and Jade came down and we were able to party it up at Disneyland!  We love Disneyland!

and we love California Adventure!  I'd like to give a huge shout out to Josh Adams who hooked Mel and Jade up in a big way!!  Thanks Josh, you are the best!
Pirates of the Caribean was experiencing some technical difficulties so we sat in the middle of the ride for a good 15 minutes.  Kyrie's facial expression really says it all.
It's tough being a bug!  A fun 3-D show.  Actually, I kind have mad anxiety in this show because there is a parat where you are attacked by bugs and there are things that come out of the back of the seats and stick you in the back.  Sorry if that ruins the experience for anyone in the future but I'm sure you will thank me when you are prepared that that unpleasant stab in the back.

I love Thunder Mountain! We sat at the very front of the train this time and I couldn't believe how slow the ride seemed.  Last Friday Kyrie and I sat in the very back and loved it.  So Mel, I highly recomend the back if you are lookin for speed!
My Mom, Dad, Jacob and Nathan came down for Thanksgiving (along with Jade and Mel who were here for Disney)  and it was so much fun to have them!!

Digging in.

Below, Melanie is hiding her "bad side" behind a roll.  I know right?  Like Melanie has a bad side!  Whatever Melanie you don't have a bad side, so you can run and tell that, home girl!
Everyone eating.  Brian fried the Turkey and I thought it was amazing!  I look like I'm about to inhale my entire plate.

The day after Thanksgiving we went to the San Diego Wildlife Park.  Kyrie took the picture above of her Nona and Papaa.   Below is a picture of a baby cheetah.  So cute.

The Safari ride, and another one of Kyrie's amazing shots.
The Merry-go-round!

Thanks Mom, Dad, Jacob, Nathan, Melanie, and Jade for coming out!  We loved having you guys!  We had so much fun playing games, watching movies, chillin in the spool, eating, Disney, and going to the Wildlife park.  We Love you!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Lounging lion at the wild animal park.

Below, a project inspired by my friend Vikki, displaying Kyrie's artwork in her (work in progress) play room/loft.
Kyrie dressed up as Ariel for her preschool Halloween Party.
Kyrie with her friends.
My halloween costume.  Pretty amazing right?  No, I wish.  Disneyland!!  Kyrie was picked for Jedi training.  I really need to work with her on her Jedi skills so next time she is picked I will not be so embarassed.  Throughout the training she just kept striking poses for pictures.

Sharee, Arthur and Family came out for a visit in which we crammed in Disneyland, the San Diego Zoo, the Beach and Sea World.  It was tons of fun!!  I think Dallin would have been a little more qualified to fight Darthvader.  Hey, I've always wanted to fight Darthvader.  Next time Kyrie will be ready, I tell you!  Okay, enough of Kyrie's Jedi training, I'm not bitter that I was not picked.  I'm not bitter that I am too old to participate in the jedi fun.  I'm not. :)
Kyrie and Daphne

At the Zoo with the cousins

Pickin pumpkins

Kyrie found her soul pumpkin

Kyrie swimmin with her buddies Hannah and Leah in the spool

Here is a picture of my Kitchen.  I love this Kitchen!
Here is a brief video of Kyrie's fight with Darthvader.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Catch up...

Moving into our rental home.  Kyrie loved having all the open space before our things arrived.  She rode her scooter all over the house.
Swimming in the spool.  It's the perfect Kyrie size.
Kyrie's room before
Kyrie's room after
I had these shutters in Kyrie's room in Kentucky but they wouldn't fit the windows out here in the west.  I was so sad and could not bring myself to throw the shutters away, so I came up with this.  
Kyrie, Nathan, and David (Heather and Jake's boys) at the zoo.

I love the zoo!  We got to see an elephant eat lunch, up close.

Kyrie and Dad at the wildlife park.

Me and Kyrie!

Kyrie, off to preschool!

We went for a stroll on the beach.  Kyrie was chasing seagulls when a wave came out of nowhere and knocked her down.  She was such a good sport about it.  She just kept saying "mom, that wave got me, huh?"
So I will hopefully be updating again soon.  I have more pics, just not enough time or patience  at the moment to download them onto the blog. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

While Brian was at Officer Training

So I went to update the blog and couldn't find my camera with all the latest pictures of our move and all that jazz.  I decided that because I very rarely take the time to sign into my blog I would go ahead and post some of the pics that were taken while Brian was in Rhode Island at officer training.  I was able to stay with my parents those 5 weeks!  It was so great to visit for such a long time.  Kyrie had a blast.  She will randomly say, "I miss Nona", "I want to jump on the tramp wiff uncle Jacob". "I finke we should go to Nona's, that's a good idea, huh mom". "Uncle Mathan is crazy, huh?" "I need to go to Emma's room" (Kyrie would always go into Emma's room and take her jewelry)
Below we went to Grammy and Grandpa Stone's for a Memorial Day BBQ and Kyrie got to chill with her second cousins Gabriel and Asher.

Kyrie and Nona feeding the fish.
Kyrie and Nona sharing a cherry turnover.  Actually Kyrie had like one bite which was great because mom and I were able to eat more!
Kyrie and Uncle Jacob swimming at the Brooke's who are awesome about letting people swim in their pool.  Thank you Brooke Family.

Nathan and Kyrie built a fort while we were at the cabin.  Okay, Nathan built a fort while Kyrie got in the way.  Nathan made a bow and arrow and Kyrie kept saying, "Mom, uncle Maffens gonna boom a bear"  Kyrie believed completely that Uncle Nathan would use his bow and arrow to kill a bear if they happened upon one.

Kyrie would jump on the tramp almost every day with Uncle Jacob.  After they jumped with the hose on, they would then have a Popsicle.  It was their daily ritual.  Jacob was so nice to do this with Kyrie, and of course she asks for Uncle Jacob all the time and was very disappointed when she found out Uncle Jacob would not be at the cabin when we recently went at the end of July.

Thanks so much Mom and Dad for letting us invade your home for 5 weeks.  We love you guys so much and had so much fun staying with you guys!