Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Pictures

Here are some pictures from the zoo. Our neighbor Elizabeth came with us. Kyrie likes to follow her around and do whatever she does.

In the gorilla lookout they have this old type writer that kyrie loves. We usually can't get her away from it unless we bribe her.

Just a few friendly flamingos.

Pictures from the past few weeks....

Kyrie turned two! Happy Birthday to Kyrie!

Kyrie and her friend/neighbor Elizabeth playing in the sand box.

Just checking out the roses after church on Sunday.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

FOX 13 News "Safe in the Pool"

I don't usually draw attention to what my father does for a living but there are times in my life when he really hits home in a message or a story that he tells. He just finished a series piece about safety in the pool with little kids and knowing that my self as well as many of you reading, both family and friends are proud parents, I thought this would be good to share. Please take a minute and click on the two links to watch how you might prevent a child's death in the pool this summer.